The Power of Thoughts


Have you ever stopped and processed how powerful thoughts are? Thoughts have the power to change our moods, affect our perceptions about someone/thing, and can even take on physical properties. Thoughts can start us down the road to despair or set us up for a successful event. Additionally, in regards to what we are leading up to, our thoughts about sexual activity, can be problematic.

In regards to our mood, our thoughts can drastically improve an unpleasant situation or have the reverse effect. For example, if you have to go to one of those infamous boring meetings, you can go in with a positive attitude or a negative one. If you go in with a positive attitude (positive thoughts), chances are you will make a boring meeting bearable—and may even be able to contribute something positive. If you go in with a negative attitude, you will then have a “self-fulfilling prophecy.”

Thoughts can also drastically affect our perceptions about someone or something. Take, for example, that person at work or on the sports field who simply drives you nuts. Maybe you have had a number of conversations with him/her and maybe you have not. Either way you regularly have a bad attitude and bad thoughts toward him. Those negative thoughts will inevitably be perpetrated; consequently, whether or not your negative thoughts are true or not, they will filter down into your actions toward and about him. Instead of extending grace and understanding, the harshness and irritability will come out.

Negative thinking can consume our very being if we are not careful. If you were to write a daily journal of your thoughts, what type of journal would you end up with? Again, thoughts are powerful!

In fact, our thoughts do take on physical properties:

“Most people do not understand how important thoughts are and leave the development of thought patterns to chance. Did you know that every thought you have sends electrical signals throughout your brain? Thoughts have actual physical properties. They are real. They have significant influence over every cell in your body. When your mind is burdened with many negative thoughts it effects your deep limbic system and causes limbic problems: irritability, moodiness, depression, etc. Teaching yourself to control and direct thoughts in a positive way is one of the most effective ways to feel better. “

–Dr. Daniel Amen, Change Your Brain Change Your Life

Let’s turn our attention to lustful thoughts and actions.

The various images we think or fantasize about can come out in various forms as well. If we are lusting over someone, we are allowing those thoughts to consume our entire being, and the more we think those lustful thoughts, the more we will want those thoughts in real life. Why is that? I propose it is because those thoughts take on physical properties—and just as those thoughts turn into physical properties the person lusting will want the physical as well. Consequently, over time if the lust is not quenched, it can manifest out to the physical world.

If thoughts do take on physical properties and affect how we feel, it should go without saying that it is wise to make sure our thoughts are in check. If we are trying to remain sexually faithful, our thoughts must be the first thing we get in order.

What do you spend most of your time thinking about? Are your thoughts starting to consume your very being?

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